Published: 17.12.12

Rapid action for more choices

ETH climate scientist Joeri Rogelj calculated how much we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 in order to keep global average temperature from rising above 2°C. He concludes: We keep choices like phasing-out nuclear power if we act rapidly.

By the ETH Life editors
Scientists advise to start the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions before 2020. A major factor being the exhaust of internal combustion engines. (Image: Keng Susumpov / Flickr)
Scientists advise to start the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions before 2020. A major factor being the exhaust of internal combustion engines. (Image: Keng Susumpov / Flickr) (large view)

The sooner we reduce emissions of greenhouse gases the easier we limit the climate change and reduce the costs of climate mitigation. This is the conclusion of a broad based study by Joeri Rogelj from the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science in cooperation with teams of researchers in Austria and the US. “We have the greatest number of choices, if we reduce greenhouse gas emissions from currently 50 gigatons carbon dioxide equivalent to 41 to 47 gigatons by 2020”, says Rogelj. If we were to continue with business as usual, these emissions would increase to approximatively 60 gigatons by 2020, according to other studies.

More information: see Media release